Nick: We're getting Punk'd, right? When's Ashton Kutcher gonna pop out? Juliet's super-mode has her change a variety of different colors, and a special music plays ala Mario once he gets a star.Another Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference: "Dude! Black Knight! You have no legs! Stop already!"."What's your favorite color, Nick?" - " Blue.Mariska drops references to, among other things, The Doors Of Perception by Aldous Huxley.A monster-hunting protagonist with a sidekick who is just a head? Seems familiar to a certain other Suda51 game.Upon dying, one of the things she can say is " Oops, I did it again." This counts as an Actor Allusion because Tara voiced Britney in episodes of Hidden Celebrity Webcam.The achievement unlocked after killing Zed is " Zed's Dead, Baby, Zed's Dead".The elevator coming down to pick up Morikawa's spirit after he dies with the cherubs orbiting it is reminiscent to Catherine.He also looks like a cross between Billy the puppet from Saw (with his hair and makeup), Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas (skeletal-looking face w/ black pin-striped suit), and The Crow (especially during the 2D Art Shift of the flashback scene).The only way they could've made the Take That! at Twilight more obvious is if Swan were female.

That, and he's also a wangsty Emo Teen connected to the undead.Swan is an older teen of the Neutral Evil alignment that uses a demonic tome's magic powers to achieve his ends.In order, they're Pac-Man, Elevator Action, a weird combination of Pong and Breakout, and Crazy Climber. As you progress through the level, you end up in a bunch of areas that are patterned after classic arcade games. Stage Four is set in San Romero's local youth center/arcade.One of Juliet's possible lines after a successful minigame is "If it bleeds, I can kill it!".Cordelia Starling, on the other hand, has little to do with either character aside from being the most blunt and straightforward of the three sisters. To be fair, Cordelia in "Buffy" is explicitly modeled after Cordelia in "King Lear" for one thing, they both have a habit of always telling the truth even when it's not a good idea.Someone in that family is a Shakespeare buff. Juliet's sisters are Cordelia and Rosalind.Juliet with brown hair in a pink Magical Girl dress - Haruna from Is This A Zombie?.Juliet with blue hair in skimpy Ninja clothes, with a scarf - Chifusa Manyu from Manyu Hikencho.Juliet with white hair in a spandex suit - Shiro from Deadman Wonderland.